Thursday, September 17, 2015

Creating A Brand Story

What is a brand without a story? A boring or indifferent brand. And what is a story that is never told? Lost and sad. 
Storytelling is a crucial and indispensable component in branding and content marketing. Story production is part of the strategic planning of how to get a brand to find and resonate with audiences. 

Reasons Why Brands Fail to Tell Their Story

  1. They do not see their story.
  2. They do not believe that their story is important to tell.
  3. They do not believe that anyone will find their story interesting.
  4. They tell their story in a complicated manner or contend that their story is too complicated to be told. 
  5. They are telling the wrong story to the right audience or the right story to the wrong audience.
  6. They do not now how to tell their story. 

Getting It Right

When a brand can tell their story effectively, many magical things begin to occur. Inside the brand, as well as outside with their audiences. People connect with and are consumed by genuine and engaging stories.
"Certainly, content marketing presents a good framework for delivering valuable information to audiences and tacitly reinforcing companies' value to them in the process. However, it can be incredibly difficult for organizations to move away from selling features and price and instead focusing on the softer sell (or even no-sell) of creating a compelling and engaging tale that conveys why your consumer should buy, read, engage with your brand. That can be the real genius of content marketing. There is no denying the impact of content that captures the attention of an audience and genuinely engages them." - Inc.

Stories Are Not An End-All

Admittedly, telling your story can become a distraction. The purpose of your brand's story is not to become an all-consuming effort. It is not the end-all and complete solution to your goals and challenges in marketing and sales. 
Stories are important, but so are many other factors in branding and marketing.

Edwin Dearborn is the author of Power Branding Secrets

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