Thursday, August 6, 2009

Make Your Web Site More Google Friendly

The almighty Google is determining our marketing future, as well as our business prospects, more than Obama rules the political airwaves.
Their presence and power cannot be denied, nor ignored if you are to succeed using on-line marketing. With over 70% of internet searches through the god-like portals of Google, you must know some basics.
First must know: I am not a Google expert. The guy for that is No, I don't work for him, nor am I an affiliate. Good friend, yes. But nonetheless, I have never met anyone more resaerched regarding the "must know". When it comes to know-how, Bill is not frugle with the Google.
But here are some immediate and helpful tips:
* Flash is trash. Having flash on your site is not Google friendly.
* Have lots of original content. Make sure you have some market research into key terms of your industry, buttons, common pharses and terminology so that your articles and pages are using these terms, correclty and often.
* Post videos. Lots of them. Do not worry about the qulity at first, but get videos of "how to" solutions of solving common problems, tips and interesting tid-bits that people can use to increase insight and revenue.
* Keep it simple. People will judge your web site in a matter of seconds. Symetricl design, easy to read letters and an overall layout that is easy on the eyes.
* Your logo has got to be simple and rectagular. Your ratio should be for every one inch in height, 2.25 inches in length. This follows how two eyes are set withing the head.
* Make it easy to join and to collect their contact data. Have somewhere on your home page a place where you can ge the persons e-mail, but giving some free offer, such as a report, or having them subsribe to your blog. You need their data to start the marketing process.
* Blog, blog and blog. Make them pertinent, make them interesting and do it often.
Hope this helps.
Best, Ed

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